Interactive Functions

Interactive Functions are function that interact with environment/user.
DISP Display a line on the screen require a string to display and a line number
ex: "hello!" 1 DISP
see also WAIT, otherwise your DISP may be overwriten by the stack redraw
input request for user input you need to put a preset (string or whatever) on the stack, you get an object as result.
a popup screen will appear to ask user to fill in a field. If user choose cancel, a (nan) is returned.

you may want to give a title to this popup screen, in this case, you can use the following syntax : { preset "title" }.
CLLCD Clear the screen
WAIT wait for a user keystroke script is halted untill user type a key.
this is interresting to display something with DISP.
see here an example of use
WAIT return a code for the keystroke, just DROP it if you don't need.
dispXY display a string at X,Y wait for a string, X and Y from stack.
Display the string at col X and row Y (start at 1)
inputLCD request for user input inside LCD wait for two agruments : default value and a parameter list.
parameter : { Xpos Ypos MaxLen Title BlankChar} only the 3 first are required.
Xpos and Ypos are position (like dispXY), MaxLen is the maximum size, Title is a caption, BlankChar is a replacement of empty char (usually "_")
Exemple "bob" { 6 2 15 "name:" "_"} displays "name:bob__________" at line 2, position 6, and wait for user entry.