In this section : hexa | bin.

Hexadecimal numbers

hexadecimal numbers are integers which are displayed in hexadecimal mode.
123 is displayed as 0x7B in hexa.
Hexa numbers start with "0x" in RPNenh, which notation is widely used in C or others...

Entering hexa numbers

you have two ways to enter hexa numbers :

Operations on hexa

In fact all operation about number are possible with hexa (because finaly an hexa is an interger!)
you can for example perform +, -, *, / ...


You can convert an hexa to a BIN or an DECIMAL by >BIN and >DEC
Obviously you can convert a number or a binary into an hexa by using function >HEX.

Thanks to lists, conversion works also in mass :
you can convert a full list of hexa into integers, example { 0x22 0x33 #1111 } >DEC gives {34 51 15}.

String usage

there are two functions from string area that use hexa. Note : chr works also with binary and interger like #01100001 or 97.

On string, asc and chr works with a list of hexa.
"a" asc returns 0x61 (one char)
"abc" asc returns { 0x61 0x62 0x63 } (serveral char give serveral hexa)

Obviously, chr accept a list of hexa and rebuilt the string.
{ 0x61 0x62 0x63 } chr returns "abc"

Specific functions

This function take a list of hexa number and put them together into a list.
ex : { 0x61 0x62 0x63 } hexa->str returns "616263"

This function perform the reversal. you need to precise the number of byte for each hexa
ex : "616263" 1 str->hexa returns { 0x61 0x62 0x63 }
ex : "616263" 2 str->hexa returns { 0x6162 0x6300 }

usage ex : "hello!" md5 1 str->hexa sum compute the sum of each byte of the md5 hash of the string "hello!" (the sens of that ? none, it was just an example)

Binary numbers

As hexadecimal, Binary numbers are integers which are displayed in binary mode.
123 is displayed as #01111011 in BIN.
Binary numbers start with "#" in RPNenh.

Entering Bin numbers

you have 3 ways to enter bin numbers :


Use >BIN to convert any number (even hexa..) into a binary number.
You can convert a binary number into an integer >DEC, an hexa >HEX...

>BIN works also on list, it convert each list item into binary...